Water is the essence of life, like air, it must be balanced within specific parameters to support life on earth. I love water and you will see it in many forms as this site grows. I admit that I am totally biased, I love the waters of the Florida Keys and if you spent any extended amount of time around, on or below, you might agree with my position. There are a few beautiful bodies of water around the world, but as an American, the Floirda Keys is my Carribean and I cherish it with all that I am.
There were afternoons that began as fishing trips, but because the wind was so still, the water was flat and under those conditions, you could easily see all of the trash that was thrown in, fell overboard or just made it's way by virtue of the meandering currents. winds and tides. We, Dresdin, Natalia and me, opted not to cast a line, but a net to snare as much trash as we could. We'd return, often, with our transom loaded with cans, plastic, paper, objects tangled with monofilament and lots of other junk.
Waterlife is a dedication to our resource that we are predominantly composed of and could not do without.